Having money can change you, and not always in good ways. Money doesn’t make you a better person; it makes the kind of person you are more pronounced. If you are a kind and generous person, money will tend to make you more kind and generous. And if you are an a-hole, money will make you a much larger one.
Today I will share with you three stories: two personal and the other from a client. My hope is that you, kind readers, will learn from these lessons rather than experience them personally.
I work hard sharing ideas on building wealth and lowering taxes. What I don’t talk about often is the risks people face once they make it. There is no greater thrill than to watch someone born in poverty finding their way to an abundant life. All too often this is the moment they destroy their lives. Usually it is temporary; sometimes not. These lessons can help you avoid the same fate.
This post originally appeared at The Wealthy Accountant.