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8 Steps To Creating A Diversified Index Fund Investment Portfolio

How to Create a Diversified Index Fund Portfolio?

The advantage of structuring a diversified index fund DIY portfolio is that once it’s complete, it requires minimal attention. Annual rebalancing and updating prices, dividends and capital gains and you’re done managing your investments. 

Taking control of your investing today eliminates financial worries tomorrow.

Investing is for Long Term Goals

Invest today to have money for your future wants and needs.

Investing is only for long term goals. If you need money in five years or less, then place those funds in a short term certificate of deposit, Government I bond, or money market mutual fund. Investing offers the opportunity for higher returns, but along with those higher returns, comes more volatility.

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The post 8 Steps To Creating A Diversified Index Fund Investment Portfolio originally appeared at Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance.